Still Life Painting in Oil

This year for Positive Ageing Month, CCA invites local artist Niall McLaughlin to deliver a two-part workshop at Age Concern (OPNW). Age Concern, Chapel Road states that this activity gives older people something fun and creative to do as we come into the winter, providing a free activity for all in a safe, warm and accessible centre and an opportunity for life long-learning. This workshop builds on our partnership with Age Concern, when in November 2021, we invited artist and scholar Lyndsey McDougall to deliver an eco bundle dye workshop.
The workshop consisted of a still life set-up which Niall laid out. Participants at Age Concern learned from Niall, about the techniques needed to produce this work. During two hourly sessions, held across two weeks participants painted their own still life.
In the first week, participants focussed on drawing and under-painting, each working in burnt umber. Focussing on proportion and tone, mainly working in monochrome. In week two participants began to introduce colour using Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, French Ultramarine and Zinc White. Niall introduced glazing techniques, where the participants could be more expressive with colour. By the end of the session everyone had produced a still life oil painting. Although all drawn from the same source, each was unique to their own style and personality.
CCA Derry~Londonderry would like to thank Western Health and Social Care Trust for supporting this activity through the Positive Ageing Small Grants Programme. Supported by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Derry City & Strabane District Council.
Niall Mclaughlin was born in 1997 in Dublin. He was raised in Derry~Londonderry and studied at Manchester School of Art, graduating in 2020 he moved back to Derry~Londonderry to live and work. His work utilises genres such as portrait or still life whilst drawing from art history, cinema and theology. Using traditional painting techniques the source images are given new contexts.

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