Momentous Times forum

The first two decades of the 20th century were undeniably momentous for people of Ireland on many fronts. There were major strikes for dock, tram, and factory workers from Belfast to Cork, Galway to Limerick, from 1907 to 1913, culminating in the Dublin Lockout.
The centenary of the Dublin Lockout has prompted CCA to consider conditions of labour and the role of representation in shaping work and workers’ rights between three moments: 1913, 2013, and 2113. Through an exhibition, public forums, screenings, and a publication, Momentous Times examines the past, explores the present, and speculates about the future of labour.
The second and last public forum, organised and moderated by scholar and writer Marina Vishmidt features presentations by Mark Curran, Eamonn McCann, Anthony Iles, Precarious Workers Brigade, Kerstin Stakemeier, Hito Steyerl, and Josefine Wikström.
Image: Melanie Gilligan, Popular Unrest (2010), HD video (still). Commissioned and produced by Chisenhale Gallery, London, Kolnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Walter Philips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Banff and Presentation House, North Vancouver. Supported by Franco Soffiantino Gallery, Turin.
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