CCA DLD Seed Library

CCA Derry~Londonderry is delighted to announce the new Seed Library by The Seed It Union is now open to the public. The library stocks a range of seeds for everyone to borrow and grow. It is a legacy of the Fugitive Seeds exhibition in 2022 guest curated by Borbála Soós and, along with our annual Seed Saving Day, is part of our ongoing Public Programme
You are welcome to visit the Seed Library during our regular opening - simply speak to a member of the CCA Team, you can find them in the Office, and they will open the library for you. To borrow any seeds, you can browse and then record what you are borrowing in our Seed Log Book. Call in to CCA to have a look! Our opening hours are Tuesday–Saturday, 12–6pm, you can find us at CCA 10–12 Artillery Street, Derry~Londonderry, BT48 6RG. The Seed Library is open now and will have its official launch at The Seed It Union's annual Seed Saving Day, held in CCA on Saturday 23 November 2024, 1pm–5pm.

A message from The Seed It Union:
"The Seed It Union always welcomes new members to borrow and save seed with us. Currently we are twenty-six community gardens and growers across counties Antrim, Derry, Donegal, Down, Monaghan and Tyrone. From Cloughmills to Derry City, Carndonagh to Comber, and Strabane to Aghacloghan. We have islanders (Rathlin), Care Farmers (Plumbridge), urban allotmenters (Letterkenny) and Seed Library Club members (Garvagh)."
The Seed It Union have provided a broad range of seeds listed below:
~Cabbage: Berns, Spanish
~Kale: Westland Winter (curly), Sutherland, Wild Cabbage (in pods)
~Pink Clary Sage
~Hoary Basil (Spain)
~Lord Leicester (Tall Pea)
~Yellow Poddell Mange Tout
~Serpette Guilloteaux
~Asparagus Pea
~Rosakrone, Red and White Flowered Soup Pea
Other Beans:
~Broad Bean Comhraic
~Runner Bean
~Pats Long Scarlet
Chenopods (Spinach Family):
~Perpetual Spinach (Leaf Beet)
~Spring Onion Ischikrone
~Bolivian Acocha
~Salty Ears Cherkin
~Pumpkin Jack O'Lantern
French Beans:
~Aida Gold (Dwarf)
~Abundance (Climbing)
~Cherokee Trail of Tears
~Yin Yang
Tomatoes: (twenty-four varieties available)
~Ballycolman Big Red
~Berkley Tie-Dye
~Belarusian Heart
~Blue Fire
~Purple Ukraine
~India Stripe
~Black Russian
~Berner Rose
~Amish Paste
~Wild Yellow Tomato
~Yellow Clementine Cherry Tomato
~Mucha Miel
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