CCA Latest News

Schools' Programme - Slime Mould and Trains with Jasmin Marker

Schools' Programme - Slime Mould and Trains with Jasmin Marker

The schools programme during our next exhibition, Kills 99.9% of bacteria, will be led by Jasmin Marker. Based on Marker’s own work in Kills 99.9% of bacteria, children participating in the programme will be investigating slime moulds, learning about how this single celled organism redefines intelligence by solving mazes and modelling railway systems more efficiently than human-made layouts. During the workshops participants will look at different barriers and borders in our everyday environment and work with slime mould cultures to find ways around them.

Our schools’ programme welcomes 6 P4 classes (approximately 150 children) from five schools from a range of backgrounds (Controlled, Maintained, Irish language and Integrated) to the CCA each exhibition for workshops that draw out and investigate some formal or thematic elements of each show.

Image: Jasmin Marker

Schools' Programme - Slime Mould and Trains with Jasmin Marker
Schools' Programme - Slime Mould and Trains with Jasmin Marker
Schools' Programme - Slime Mould and Trains with Jasmin Marker