CCA Latest News

Momentous Times, Critical Reception

Our current exhibition, Momentous Times, has received some critical attention, including Joanne Laws' review in the October issue of Art Monthly. Laws writes: "With precarity defining a post-industrial western workforce under a macro-economic jobless growth strategy, and mass protests by industrial workers in Asia and the Middle East highlighting the dubious role of western multinationals in these scenarios, it is hard to identify a set of issues more pertinent or worthy of exploration and representation in the visual arts." A preview article was written by Sarah Jackson for Culture24. The exhibition was also mentioned in Gemma Tipton's write up of Mark Curran's The Market in Artforum, and Dominic Kearny's review of Willie Doherty's Unseen in Culture Northern Ireland. Image: Aideen Doran, Good Luck All Workers! (2013)