NI Science Festival 2024

Storytelling Through Digital Sculpture, Saturday 17 February 2024, 2pm–4pm
For NI Science Festival 2024 CCA Derry~Londonderry invites visual artist Ekaterina Solomatina to deliver workshop during the festival. Storytelling Through Digital Sculpture, is a free, public workshop on Saturday 17 February 2024, 2pm–4pm. This experimental workshop will explore different ways of creating a digital sculpture and shaping ideas. Together with all the participants you will make a collective virtual installation that shares an improvised story.

During the workshop participants will:
- Create 3D using different open source technologies.
- Use AI to generate 3D from text or image.
- 3D scan some brought-in objects.
- Use VR (Quill or similar) to create objects in the space.
The workshop will begin with Katya giving a short intro, and sharing her artistic inspiration within her current digital sculpture practice. Participants will then have the opportunity to do some hands-on experience with open source 3D tools. There will be a short refreshment break, followed by a demonstration from Katya of how to assemble some of the created objects into one virtual installation.
Katya invites each participant to bring one special object with them. This could be something described as bric-a-brac
This is a free workshop, with a limited number of places. Booking is essential and tickets can be booked through our online shop here. It is suitable for ages 16+.

1: Event poster designed by Katya Solomatina.
2: A still from the video art work: ‘The Source’ 2022, Katya Solomatina.
3: Katya Solomatina.
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