Artist Call | Reciprocal Residencies

Emerging Artist Reciprocal Residencies
Call for Northern Ireland artist/s
Northern Ireland | Lithuania
Lithuania | Northern Ireland
CCA Derry~Londonderry is the leading art space dedicated to supporting emerging visual artists for artists from Northern Ireland and their international peers. CCA is located within the historic city walls of Derry/Londonderry, the second city of Northern Ireland that sits on the border with the Republic of Ireland. CCA is artist-centred with recent exhibitions featuring artists such as Benjamin de Burca & Barbara Wagner, Filip Markiewicz, Soft Fiction Projects, Elizabeth Price, Ciara Philips, Mitch Conlon, Joan Alexander, Catriona Leahy, Darren Nixon, Robin Price, Sarah Pierce and many more. CCA is a member of the Plus Tate Network. You can read more about CCA on our About page and our previous projects on our Exhibitions page.
During almost half of the century, Kaunas Artists’ House (KAH) established its name as one of the most important and longest existing Kaunas’ artistic spaces. Previously known for the bohemian atmosphere, today the villa of KAH is open to contemporary content and diverse cultural phenomena. As an institution funded by Kaunas city Municipality, KAH operates as a mediator between artists and their audiences as well as cultural institutions and their visitors. During recent years, KAH has developed 4 main working directions: Residency Programme, Cultural Infocenter, Educational Programme and Repertoire events and Projects. KAH seeks to be open to different kinds of audiences and render itself more disability-friendly. More information could be found here.
In 2020 CCA and KAH are piloting the first of an ongoing series of Reciprocal Residences. These residencies have a simple aim, to create opportunities for artists from Northern Ireland and Lithuania to participate in artist residencies across the globe and to receive artists, stimulating mutual dialogue and exchange. The residency period in Lithuania will take place during February 2020 lasting up to one month culminating with an exhibition of new and/or existing work at CCA Derry~Londonderry, March–May 2020; our galleries will present two solo exhibitions, one of work by the Lithuanian artist coming to Northern Ireland and one by the artist from Northern Ireland going to Lithuania.
We are now seeking Applications from emerging artists based in or from Northern Ireland as part of our pilot year.
Participating artists will receive:
– temporary artist studio
– accommodation
– access to Kaunas city/Kaunas district (LT) networks and resources
– exhibition March–May 2020 at CCA Derry~Londonderry
– stipend of £1000 plus travel to/from Kaunas from Northern Ireland* and materials support
– artist fee for participating in the exhibition
*if you are not based in Northern Ireland note our travel budget is calculated for travel to/from Northern Ireland.
To apply please email info@cca-derry-londonderry.org with the subject heading “RECIPROCAL RESIDENCY LT” the following:
– a current CV
– up to 5 images or media links sent by one wetransfer.com; each file labeled 1–5 with your name and title
– letter of intent
– completed cover form PDF | Word doc
– completed Equal Opportunities form PDF | Word doc
Deadline: midnight 7 December 2019
(announcement week commencing 16 December 2019)
Partners: CCA Derry~Londonderry, Lithuanian Culture Institute, Kaunas Artists’ House
Initiated by Director Catherine Hemelryk and Lithuanian Cultural Attaché in the UK Justė Kostikovaitė, Director of Kaunas Artists’ House Rūta Stepanovaitė

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