URGENCIES (2021) is the second iteration of CCA Derry~Londonderry’s biennial group exhibition. The artwork selected for the exhibition comes from an open call that seeks to take the temperature of what emerging artists working today with a connection to our region consider to be urgent.
URGENCIES (2021) was selected by artist Locky Morris and CCA Director Catherine Hemelryk and features new and recent work ranging in media from print, film, photography, sound, painting, manifestations online and in daily life.
URGENCIES (2021) would usually be held within CCA’s galleries at 10–12 Artillery Street, however due to the ongoing pandemic, the project is taking place offsite and online. Artworks are visible across our city through the windows of landmark buildings, commercial spaces, homes and arts organisations also currently closed to the public. CCA is grateful to all of the hosts, artists and supporters for making URGENCIES (2021) possible.
Keep an eye on CCA’s social media (@CCADLD on all platforms) and this page for updates.
Online work:
Bryony Dunne
Mara’s Descent, 2019
Video, 4 minutes
Michael Hanna
Crossing the Park, 2021–
Mixed media
Visit the dedicated page here and follow us on Instagram for posts from Michael.

Lucie McLaughlin
Download the Lucie McLaughlin’s three part audio work Clickety-Clack from:
Anchor: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Spotify: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
View the interactive map on Google Maps here.
Martin Boyle
Back to Normal, 2020
Digital Prints
Location: Verbal Arts Centre, Bishop Street Within, BT48 6PU
Opening hours: Daily during daylight
Bryony Dunne
Mara’s Descent, 2019
Video, 4 minutes
Location: Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin,
37 Great James St, BT48 7DF
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm, excluding holidays
Brian Farrell
The Cry, The Moment, Defiance, Blur, 2019
Acrylic on board
Location: Millennium Forum, Newmarket St, BT48 6EB
Opening hours: Daily during daylight
Edy Fung
Ephemeris, 2019
Live installation with Python Script, Raspberry Pi
Location: Millennium Forum, Newmarket St, BT48 6EB
Opening hours: Daily
Kathryn Graham
Pink Confetti, 2019
Etching on tashoku long fibre paper
Location: Derry Print Workshop, 5B, 9-11 Pump St, BT48 6JG, enter via gates from Pump St or through Sandwich Company
Opening hours: Monday–Saturday 8am–5pm, excluding holidays
Michael Hanna
Crossing the Park, 2021–
Mixed media
Location: Online here.
and Instagram @ccadld
Opening hours: Daily
Patrick Hickey
Untitled (Back Study), 2019–20
Oil on canvas
Location: 2 St Columb’s Court, BT48 6PT
Opening hours: Daily during daylight
Siobhán Kelly
muscle memory, 2021
Video, 11 minutes 44 seconds
Location: Quayside Shopping Centre, 42 Strand Rd, BT48 7PX
Opening hours: Monday–Friday 7am–9pm, Saturday 8am–8pm, Sunday 8am–6pm, excluding holidays
Siobhán Kelly
muscle memory, 2021
Video, 11 minutes 44 seconds
Location: Checkpoint Charlie, 35 Waterloo St, BT48 6HB
Opening hours: Monday–Saturday 10am–5pm
Lucie McLaughlin
Clickety-Clack – Part 1, 2021
Audio, 7 minutes 31 seconds
Clickety-Clack – Part 2, 2021
Audio, 3 minutes 55 seconds
Clickety-Clack – Part 3, 2021
Audio, 9 minutes 12 seconds
Location: Download or stream from iTunes, Spotify or Anchor or click here for our dedicated webpage.
Opening hours: Daily
Christopher Steenson
False Detection, 2019–21
Sound artwork
Location: Cathedral School, London Street, BT48 6RQ
Opening hours: Monday–Saturday, 9am–6pm every half hour, excluding holidays
Christopher Steenson
Electricity (Annascaul), 2019
Clouds (Venice floods), 2019
35mm negative scanned to digital
Location: Cathedral School, London Street, BT48 6RQ
Opening hours: Daily
Frank Wasser
Lectus (Part 1), 2021
Medium: Lecture-Performance/moving image/writing, 14 minutes 16 seconds
Location: Waterside Theatre, Glendermott Rd, BT47 6BG
Opening hours: Daily
Open the .pdf sensory guide for URGENCIES (2021) here.
URGENCIES (2021) was made possible thanks to support from: Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Derry & Strabane District Council, The Elephant Trust, Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin, Millennium Forum, Verbal Arts Centre, Derry Print Workshop, Quayside Shopping Centre, St Columb’s Court, Waterside Theatre, Cathedral School, St Columb’s Cathedral, Checkpoint Charlie, Quayside Shopping Centre and to all of the artists and staff at the host venues and CCA team.