School Programme: Home from Home

This page is for all of the school children taking part in CCA Derry~Londonderry’s School’s Project:
We would like to say a big HELLO to our school children. We are missing seeing you and your creativity in our gallery but we will see you again later in the year. Until then we have put together something fun for you to do at home and we can’t wait to see what you create.
We are delighted to share with you our new School’s Project Home From Home. Artist educator Martha Lewtas has designed an activity for the lockdown. Each participating child will receive a specially designed pack with all the necessary materials and equipment to make a miniature pot garden. Your packs will be available from your school’s collection point. You can watch Martha’s step-by-step video here to get you started here.
Special thanks to our wonderful schools for their support and to all the families, thank you for your help to make this possible.
We are now offering 15 free giveaway packs for this activity on our Online Shop. Order yours by clicking here.
Please share your creations with us by tagging @CCADLD on Instagram and Twitter or emailing images of your work to info@cca-derry-londonderry.org.
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