Read-in Derry

Read-in is a self-organised initiative reading group. They started off making instant reading sessions, collectively instigated in other people’s homes to consider the physicality and situatedness of any reading activity, and expanding the material, affective and political dimensions of “reading together”.
Initiated in 2010 in Utrecht, The Netherlands, by artist Annette Krauss and theatre-maker Hilde Tuinstra, Read-in’s practice was developed in collaboration with The Grand Domestic Revolution—User’s Manual (GDR) a project initiated by Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory. With further interests in relocating and communalising a typically private and solitary activity, Read-in investigates practices of memorising texts collectively, the legacy of feminist reading groups, and develops approaches for private bookshelf research.
Currently members of Read-in research team include Hyunju Chung, Annette Krauss, Serena Lee, Laura Pardo, Marina Stavrou, Maiko Tanaka and Hilde Tuinstra. Recent Read-in’s took place with Casco (Utrecht), Vanabbe museum (Eindhoven), W139 (Amsterdam), Villa Romana (Florence), The Showroom (London), and Black Swan (Amsterdam).