CCA Introducing: Gemma Kirkpatrick

On Friday 23 July 2021 from 10am, follow artist Gemma Kirkpatrick as she takes over our Instagram and Twitter pages to share her work and research for CCA Introducing 2021. CCA Introducing is a series of 24 hour social media takeovers by emerging artists. Each artist has been nominated by an artist or curator connected to CCA. Gemma has been nominated by CCA's Marketing Assistant Fiona Allan, who is curating the CCA Introducing 2021 programme.
Gemma Kirkpatrick recently graduated from the MFA programme at Belfast School of Art (2020) having previously graduated from the BA Hons Fine Art (Painting) in 2017. Gemma’s practice explores ideas of domesticity, solitude and reverie. Life within a simulated reality drives the narrative behind her most recent paintings. Doll house figurines and life in miniature are used to consider the boundary between fictional narrative and biography.
Over the course of the takeover, Gemma intends to give an overview of her practice with an emphasis on the preliminary stages of painting; what happens in the studio, what takes place before painting, such as drawing, collage, objects and text.

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