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Tiny deaths: glitches, spells, interruptions – exhibition opening, with works by Zach Blas, Anne de Vries, Dave Loder, Conor McFeely, and belit sağ


We hope you can join us for the opening of our next exhibition on 18th March at 7pm. Tiny deaths includes work by Zach Blas, Anne de Vries, Dave Loder, Conor McFeely, and belit sağ that question, refuse and activate the potentiality of the interruptive moment.

Its title derives from Paul Virilio’s definition of picnolepsy, the ‘epileptic’ lapses generated by the oscillation between consciousness and unconsciousness; by being seen and remaining unseen. Virilio states that these accidental absences have been denied active value through the compensatory construct of reason. Using this metaphor of bodily difference, Tiny deaths examines contemporary methods of production that re-attribute value to absence or interruption, and the social and political implications of these actions.