CCA Latest News

Recipients of Production CCA '13

CCA is pleased to announce the recipients of Production CCA. A jury consisting of artist Mary McIntyre, curator Anja Lückenkemper, and CCA's Aileen Burns and Johan Lundh, picked two recipients from 68 applications that will exhibit alongside each other in November and December, Neil Clements and Dorothy Hunter. The jury's motivation for picking Neil Clements was for the "depth and precision in the placement of his practice in relation to a historical and archival legacy." Dorothy Hunter for the "intelligence, rigour, and integrity of her framing and for her sensitivity to the physical and social coding of space in relation to her sculptural work." Production CCA has been made possible through the generous support of Arts & Business NI, Caldwell & Robinson Solicitors, The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, and 2013 City of Culture Derry~Londonderry.